A Mom’s Guide to Creating the Best Kids’ Birthday Party

Creating the Best Kids' Birthday Party

Here is a perfect mom’s guide to creating the best party experience for your kid’s birthday.

Remember birthdays when you draped banisters and walls around the house, enjoyed cake decorated with birthday wishes. Still, some of us are capable of throwing that kind of parties and thriving on it. But now things are different. We love parties that catch the eye of social media and that look good on a screen, we admire big bashes with lots of people.

Kids, by nature, are adaptable, and they are happy with whatever style of celebration you opt for. Kids just crave attention and love. As long as both of these ingredients are served, they would love your creativity and efforts as a mom.

It’s an established reality that everything you plan to do on your kid’s birthday party, will require some effort and time. You cannot make preparations at the spur of the moment or hire help vaguely to fill in. Just you and your one-year-old with a cute cupcake sound fun, but it’s messy. That’s what it is all about, caring for everyone, including your child at the birthday party.

The Guests

It is always a good idea to have a separation in parties for the adults and kids. Both celebrations require different elements to complete a party.

For example, Grown-ups need real food, not some snacks and cake. They also need an hour to chit chat and catch up with relatives and acquaintances.

But a party just for kids who are age fellows and most probably even schoolmates must be active and full of fun, colors, and “kids fun food.”

Choose a Theme

Once you’ve decided your party theme, then the rest of the party planning is just a walkover.

For ages, 3-5 consider lots of pastel colors, hand-drawn crayon drawings, and bubbles.

For ages, 6-8 consider science fiction or Disney characters.

For our little princess, and the little guy, Elsa and Ben10 party themes, are a dream come true.


Extend the Invitation

Forget about customized or digital invites. Quench your creative juices and make the invites yourself with input from the birthday kid.

Because kids love those simple, colorful handmade invitations. Apart from that, it will help your kid to grow his/her creative genius, and they would feel involved. These will be the moments that you, as a mom, would cherish forever and your child too.

You can buy arts and craft supplies at the dollar store and churn your creative wheels for the best invite. Make ample use of stickers, crayons, watercolors, oil paints, crepe paper, and anything that go with your theme.


Food Preparation: A Walk in the Park!

What food do you serve at the birthday party is the question that seems tricky but actually it’s not that hard to figure out. This task is like a walk in the park.

There are many kid-friendly recipes to celebrate their special day. But you have to make sure that your recipes are simple.

You’ve to ensure that your food is finger-friendly because you don’t need any mishaps with cutlery during the party in case of a toddler or the little one’s birthday.

Try to be innovative with your sandwiches and cookies and use different shapes that go with your party theme. This little detail will make your party the best in the town.

Birthday Star

School the Birthday Star

Kids mostly find it hard to be the center of the attention unless they are too young as a toddler. A 4-year-old is most likely to be excited.

The solution is to talk to them before the event about everything. Lots of kids would be around your house, visit their room and play area. They will also play with his toys for sure, and you’ve to make your child share his possessions while taking care of them. Hide any expensive or special toys beforehand. Tell them to be kind and hospitable and thank everyone who showed up for their special day.


Fun Activities

Kids love games. It doesn’t matter if they’re tween or teen, they still love to pin a tail on everything. Always use your party theme to design games.

Here are some of the fun games to plan on for the best birthday party

Musical Hoops

Get a hoop for every kid you’ve invited. Play the music as kids march and stop the music as kids start jumping in a hoop. Remove a hoop from the child. In the end, the kids’ gang would be stuffed in the one last remaining hoop.

Treasure Hunt

Make direction signs and fun emblems to find clues outdoors or upstairs. So the kids get to mobilize. Award make-believe gold coins at the end of the hunt.

Ooey-Gooey Challenge

Kids around age 6-7 love food challenges. Put candies on a plate and spray some whipping cream over it. Kids need to run up, dunk their faces in the cream to take out the candy and run back.

P.S. If you’re looking for inspiration for your kid’s room decor, but you’re short on time, you should check my shopping section. I have searched the whole internet to find the coolest decor items for a kid’s room.

To get the best insights and tips to create an Instagram worthy kid’s room, I have read more than 200 blog post, look at (almost) every single kid’s room images on Pinterest and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built those list of the perfect pieces of furniture, wall art, and decor items for your kid’s room.

Umer Ishfaq

Umer Ishfaq - a Search Engine and Content Marketing expert at Techvando. A writer by day and reader by night, his passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides.

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