Do Babies Sleep Better in a Cooler Room?

Do Babies Sleep Better in a Cooler Room?

Conscious parents frequently ask experts, do babies sleep better in a cooler room. There is no specific temperature but an ideal range.

Like many other parents, I was wondering if babies sleep better in a cooler room.

I found out that I had to maintain the room temperature very carefully. The ideal temperature for a baby to sleep is 63 to 72 Fahrenheit (16-20 Celsius). It’s not too cold or hot.

Moreover, when the room temperature is hot, it can increase the possibility of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) for your baby.

Let me elaborate more on this topic.

Uncertain about which mattress to get? Take a look at this list of the best crib mattresses. I have put lots of hours into this guide, for you to find the ideal mattress for your baby!

Best Temperature for Sleep According to Medical Research

Sleep temperature for us, adults, and babies vary. It has been already proved by medical research that temperature above 75 or less than 54 Fahrenheit should be avoided for sleeping. It can be dangerous for babies.

Here, in this table, we will see the ideal room temperature for sleeping.

Age Fahrenheit Celsius
Adults 60-67 degrees 15-19 degrees
Babies 63-72 degrees 16-20 degrees

Baby Sleep and Ideal Temperature

A common but required question that arises to parents’ minds is, what is the ideal baby sleep temperature? The answer may surprise you. It is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. However, not all experts agree with it.

Moreover, they suggest you keeping room temperature between 63 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. In my opinion, this is a wide range of room temperature.

However, after researching more, I found out It is better to maintain the starting point (65 degrees Fahrenheit).

Eventually, it can vary among your family members.

SIDS and Room Temperature

One of the most critical issues regarding room temperature is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It can be a nightmare for parents as it has no distinct and clear symptom.

Overheating because of clothing or room temperature is a strong reason for SIDS. Therefore, try to keep your room temperature at the ideal stage and avoid too many layers of blankets.

Also, never use an electric blanket for your baby.

How to Keep Your Baby Comfortable

Though there is a range among the ideal temperature, it is safe to use a thermostat for your baby sleep room.

1. Observe the Overheating

First of all, you should check your baby’s hands and feet. As it doesn’t provide the real scenario, also check his or her neck and head. If it becomes hot, then immediately manage to reduce the room temperature and to cool her off.

2. Avoid Over Bundling

Don’t bundle your baby with too many clothes and blankets. Remember, bundling with too many things increases the possibility of SIDS.

3. Keep Cribs Bare

As the chances of SIDS stay optimum for the first 180 days, avoid using pillows and too many layers in blankets. If it becomes necessary to use multiple sheets, then never extends up it over your baby’s chest.

4. Use a Fan

Using a fan will increase the circulation of oxygen. Though it will not decrease the room temperature but will fresh the air.

5. Share the Room

For the first 180 days, it is highly recommended by the experts to share the room with your baby. It will eventually decrease the chances of SIDS. You will also get the chance you monitor his or her body temperature closely.

Sleeping Tips

1. Maintain a Routine

Follow a specific sleep time for your baby. Surely it will help your baby to fall asleep quickly.

2. One Last Feeding

Before you go for sleep, finally, offer your infant the last feed. It gives the infant a cozy and comfortable sleep overnight.

4. Use Dimmers

To reinforce babies’ rhythm, use the dimmers with lighting.

5. Make Some Sound

Some babies don’t like to be in a silent room. It can help your baby to sleep if you tuned the radio or play the baby swing mix.

6. Diaper Changing

If your baby has sensitive skin, change the diaper after every feeding.

7. Provide a Cozy Bed

For a comfortable sleep, the cozy and clean bed is a must. Before putting your baby into the bed, clean the mattress carefully. Also, foams mattresses for toddlers are very helpful.

Frequently Asked Question

How to Adjust the Room Temperature in the Summer Season?

If you have an air conditioner, then adjust it with those recommendations. In case you don’t have any air condition, you can use a fan. But be careful, don’t aim it directly to your baby.

How to Adjust Room Temperature in the Winter Season?

The same temperature recommendation is also applied here. You can use an extra layer of blankets, but don’t overdress your baby. It will hamper their self-regulate temperature ability.

What Type of Bedding is the Best?

Simple and not heavyweight sheets are the best choice.

What is the Ideal Room Temperature for a Sick Baby?

If your baby is sick, try to maintain constant room temperature for him or her.


As babies cannot tell us how they feel when the room temperature gets uncomfortable, we must maintain an ideal room temperature for them. Overheating can cause severe issues for babies.

In general, cribs don’t come with a mattress, and you should consider ordering one simultaneously as the bed. Don’t worry; I have simplified the selection by creating this list of the best crib mattresses. Or perhaps you need help, and you should visit this guide I made on choosing the ideal mattress for your baby crib.

Still unsure about the crib? Here are some other types and styles you should also consider for your nursery:

Sylvain Marengere

Sylvain is managing the Sleepy Monkey website, in addition to curating the artwork we present.

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