How to Create a Minimalist Kids Room Decor

Minimalist Kids Room

While the trend of minimalism is rising in the world of interior designing, one can find blogs and articles full of partially empty room – all decorated in grey and white color tones.

Since you can buy bedroom furniture online easily. It is not too hard to incorporate a minimalist design in your own home as well if you understand the exact definition and idea around this term.

First, minimalism means the sheer use of techniques in any field, be it music, design, art, etc. that is characterized by extreme simplicity and sparseness.

Now, this does not translate as abandoning everything from the modern world and live in a straw hut. However, minimalism in interior decoration denotes the use of less, multipurpose materials or furniture to get the most out of a room while also leaving it spacious enough.

Talking about kid’s room, in particular, it is quite tricky to consolidate minimalism in the design considering the requirement their age poses for changing needs and interests.

Moreover, they are not too bent towards keeping their rooms clean. Hence, a bedroom with lesser items will make this task easier as well while maintaining the ambiance of the place. It acts as a lesson for the children to adapt the teaching of “less is more.”

Another crucial thing to remember when redecorating a kid’s room is to give them a say in how their bedroom should be. Because they can suggest some extremely creative suggestions.

Here are some tried and tested minimalist ideas for kid’s bedrooms that are easy and pragmatic.

wall art

The walls

It is always a good idea to only choose the kid’s favorite colors for their bedroom walls as it brings a homely feeling. Moreover, those colors connect to the child’s creativity and expand their imagination!

Albeit, the colors do not always have to be loud. Instead, try accenting different shades of the same color from light to dark in the room, with the right contrasting color. Also, use sentimental things like decorative pieces so that your child can feel a connection with the bedroom.

Now, the mantra of minimalism is to keep the ground as less cluttered as possible – which rules out unnecessary decorative pieces and furniture. Instead, the walls can be used as great decorative storage spaces with colorful shelves holding books, plants, photos, and only essential toys. Apart from that, the walls can also be used to create the central focus of the room by adding a wall sticker. Basically, the options are endless, and it is time to move away from bland walls to decorative masterpieces.

The Furniture

The main piece of furniture is easily the bed. Now, as we know that kids grow up very fast and their surroundings need to be optimal to their changing body and psyche.

Since good quality beds are expensive, there is no use investing in one type of bed that might have to be replaced in a few years. Instead, buy convertible beds that have a multiple option approach. They can be made into twin beds, a simple bottom bunk with curtains or a top bunk using the bottom as a study table. These decisions need to be made, considering the coming future and its evolution with changing situations.

Along with that, optimum storage spaces are critical in a child’s room to keep the toys. Generally, they are stored in cupboards, but if your bed has storage, it is the best way to keep the toys at bay. To keep the room completely free of visible toy bins and baskets, a good shelving cabinet inside the Almirah will do the join to sustain the toys.

Allowing the kids to keep only their favorite toys like a plush soft toy or an action figure outside will not only sustain the ambiance of the room but will also be disciplinary action for the children. It represents an excellent example that there is a specific time to play and do other activities.

Make sure to buy only good quality sturdy furniture. There are various online furniture stores that deliver durable yet minimalistic furniture pieces for all needs. Even if you are on a budget, buying superior quality furniture on sale than purchasing cheap material is way better. Minimalism definitely does not mean inferior quality.

Kids bed

The focal point

Now that we know the basics, one of the most crucial rules of interior designing is finding the focal point. It means that one spot which will immediately draw attention when walking into the room.

Such a point binds the whole room together into a harmonious design. It could be anything from the bed, study table to the window. It varies from room to room, but a few similar rules apply to all of them.

First, that focal point should be the brightest part of the room. For instance, if it is the bed, the bedsheet, shape, or color of the bed and background decoration on the wall will play an essential role in making it the focal point.

While, if the window is considered as the focal point, it must contain contrasting colors. Adding a seating area with toys and wall decorations will come in handy. There are innumerable things that can be done, considering how the children like it and how different elements work together.

Although a word of caution – the storage area must not be highlighted as the focal point. It adds clutter to the overall design and gives the room a messy look. Moreover, it won’t be able to create a friendly and comfortable environment where the children can be themselves.


Free Space

At the end, the most optimal piece of advice is to keep a lot of free space. It allows the children to use their imagination and understand that fun can be more than just engaging in toys. Let them expand the horizons of their creativity, which is assisted by a lot of de-cluttered space in the minimalistic bedroom. A rug can always be added to incorporate depth in the design if the room feels too empty.

Choosing a minimalist bedroom design for kids benefits not only you for not having to clean all day, but also kids themselves are merited by learning to live a well-maintained life.

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